Emily Cooper
Emily Cooper has worked in Community Arts for over 19 years in a diverse range of settings including community development, mental health services, refugee support, schools, retreats and festivals. Director of Hands Heart & Feet, Emily brings genuine warmth, inclusivity and creativity to her work with drum, dance and storytelling.
Emily has a bachelor's degree in Contemporary Dance from Western Sydney University, from which she graduated with the Deans Medal of Honour. She studied extensively in New York and Africa, and is a registered yoga teacher and non-liner movement teacher. She is currently studying a Master of Social Work at Charles Sturt University.
Emily has performed and toured in numerous cross-cultural works, including The Firebird, The Half Girl, and Intertwine. She has also directed productions and curated programs for theatres and festivals, including International Women's Day, the Winter Magic Festival, and Refugee Week.
In her local Blue Mountains community, Emily is known for her inclusive, fun community drum and dance programs open to all ages and abilities.
Hands Heart & Feet is committed to maintaining high standards of integrity and ethical conduct.
Hands Heart & Feet will conduct all business in an honest, fair and consistent manner. All services will be delivered in safe, professional and inclusive ways.
Emily Cooper of Hands Heart & Feet commits to practicing respect for all persons, social justice, and professional integrity.
acknowledgement of First Nations People
Hands Heart & Feet is an associate member of the Blue Mountains Aboriginal and Cultural Resource Centre and acknowledges the Dharug and Gundungurra people as the traditional custodians of the land on which we work. Sovereignty was never ceded.
Hands Heart & Feet acknowledges the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, their families and communities, the First Australians, whose lands, winds and waters we all now share, and pay respect to their unique values, and their continuing and enduring cultures that deepen and enrich the life of our nation and communities.
Emily Cooper from Hands Heart & Feet commits to working together in solidarity with First Australians, to celebrate their achievements and resilience, and to develop meaningful relationships founded on mutual respect.
Hands Heart & Feet Is proudly LGBTQIA+ Friendly
Hands Heart & Feet welcomes and includes all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer + people.
Hands Heart & Feet is a proud member of ACON and celebrates LGBTQIA+ Diversity.
Emily Cooper from Hands Heart & Feet is committed to creating positive change in the local Blue Mountains community and beyond.
Hands Heart & Feet is committed to the safety, participation and empowerment of all children. Emily from Hands Heart & Feet has a current Working With Children Check and has completed up-to-date child safety training.
All children participating in Hands Heart & Feet programs are accompanied by a parent or trusted adult.
Children and young people participating in Hands Heart & Feet programs take part in making decisions about their involvement and contributions in an inclusive way. Friendships and peer support are encouraged.
Hands Heart & Feet code of conduct
Be Kind and Inclusive:
All community participants are welcome at Hands Heart & Feet. Please be polite, courteous, and inclusive to fellow participants. No offensive comments regarding gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion will be tolerated.
Be Respectful
Hands Heart & Feet expects all participants to be respectful when communicating with others. Participants are asked to work together to resolve differences constructively.
Reach Out & Ask For Help:
Please inform Emily if a problem arises and the situation will be addressed promptly and collaboratively. Hands Heart & Feet welcomes questions, feedback and complaints. You can also reach out via email: emily@handsheartfeet.com or text: 0405 517 759.
Communicate & Collaborate:
Hands Heart & Feet encourages collaboration and communication. Let’s work together to inspire each other and create spaces that are welcoming, accessible and fun for all.
Hands Heart & Feet creates inclusive community spaces. Music, dance and creativity is used to reduce stress, build community and have fun.
What people are saying...
It is difficult to overstate the benefit that I have derived from my involvement with Hands Heart & Feet. Although I always enjoy the drumming and nonlinear movement immensely what I look forward to the most each week is being with people who have become my dearest friends, which is something I couldn't have expected or hoped for when I tapped my first djembe many years ago. My advice to anyone thinking of joining a class would be to not hesitate, but to be careful - if you let it, HH&F will change your life.
Hands Heart & Feet is such a beautiful community, and Emily creates such wonderful classes. Whether it’s dancing or drumming, her unique teaching style puts everyone at ease, and encourages everybody to go for it. Two of my daughters also do Emily’s dance classes, and one of my greatest joys is sharing this with them - which Emily embraces and encourages so much. We all really love being part of Hands Heart & Feet together.
Photography Credit:
We want to acknowledge the amazing photographers who have generously allowed us to include their images on this site. The beauty and atmosphere of a Hands Heart & Feet event is transitory, but these images capture and preserve that forever. For their stunning artistry and sensitivity, we want to thank:
David Brazil Photography
Brigitte Grant Photography
Lona Logan: Intertia Photography
Micaela Osfield
David Mapletoft
Oliver Steine
Carly Sare
Black Forest Cherry Photography
Website by Cristie Fuller